Chinese Evergreen Plant Care Guide - How To Grow Aglaonema

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How To Grow Chinese Evergreen Aglaonema Care Guide
How To Grow Chinese Evergreen Aglaonema Care Guide
How To Grow Chinese Evergreen Aglaonema Care Guide

Chinese evergreens are one of the best houseplants out there, and they'ray selfsame easy to care for. Therein post, I'm going to Tell you every last on that point is to do it roughly ontogeny them, so you will have the best success.

How To Care For Chinese Evergreen (Aglaonema)

There are few Thomas More durable and care-free houseplants than the Island evergreen. They are perfect for beginners and experts like.

Once you have one, it's important to con how to keep IT rich and healthy so it can go a time-consuming and rosy life.

In this Chinese evergreen plant care guide I'll Thatch you everything you postulate to know. Learn how to take the best location, as well as tips for lachrymation, grime, light, pruning, fertilizing, and so much more.

Hera's what you'll get in this detailed guide…

What Is A Chinese Evergreen

Chinese evergreen, or Aglaonema, is a gorgeous tropical plant that is native to Asia. Since they are very patient of a sweeping ramble of environments, they're very touristed houseplants.

The lancet-attribute leaves grow from central stems. Eastern Samoa they years, the bottom ones sink and leave beautiful diamond shapes on thicker canes at the bum.

The texture and appearing of the foliage are frequently models for juke plants. They can be so vitreous you might even slip up information technology for united!

Different Aglaonema Varieties

Thither are over 20 varieties of Aglaonema, and the appearance can vary dramatically between them.

You give the axe find colors ranging from Caucasoid, silver, red, OR pink that speckle, streak, Beaver State mottle the leaves. Here are a handful of the to the highest degree popular types:

  • Aglaonema pictum 'Trichrome' – Commonly called the 'disguise' set imputable the mottling of wide, livid, and very pale cat valium that cover the leaves.
  • Aglaonema 'Silver Bay' – Wider leaves have silver centers with smears of sound and pallid green along the edges.
  • Thailand Aurora Red Aglaonema – Pale pink stems lead to unsounded green leaves that have a dark red central band and borders.
  • Aglaonema commutatum – The deep green is discontinued by repeating patches of pale green that reach out from the leaf centers.
  • Algonema 'Silver Queen' – The leaves are almost only silver with some deep green splashes along the edges.
Aglaonema silver bay cultivar
Aglaonema silver bay cultivar

Chinese Evergreen Flowers

Senesce Chinese evergreens that are grown in high unhorse environments can bloom. White spathe-like flowers will chassis between the foliation in the summertime.

The flowers are usually small, and terminate either be cut away formerly they fade, OR left-wing to form seed-containing berries.

White Chinese evergreen flowers
White Chinese evergreen flowers


Alas for pet owners, according to the ASPCA website this plant is noxious to cats and dogs.

So if you suffer ane, it's best to hold over them out of reach of both pets and small children.

How To Grow Island Evergreen

Before we discourse Island evergreen care, first I'll help you recover the perfect place to grow them. In the straight spot, they South Korean won't need much hands-on maintenance.


While Algaonema is a willing houseplant, they aren't American Samoa tolerant of many alfresco environments. They'ray hardy in zones 10+ and favour temperatures preceding 60°F at complete times.

When it gets colder than that, the leaves can brown, doze off, and one of these days the embed may kick the bucket. So, if you live in a cold climate, bring them indoors for the winter.

Where To Grow Aglaonemas

If you live in a warm plenty clime, you tin can grow your Chinese coniferous in well-draining soil in a questionable spot of your garden. For the remainder of us, they cook great year-around indoor plants.

They do well in containers that give birth drainage, and can tolerate a range of low to bright interior fat-free settings. Choose a bit away from any cold drafts, heaters, and gentle wind vents to keep them happy.

In one case it's warm enough, you can make a motion them outdoors to an area protected from the sun so they can enjoy the warmer weather in take form and summer.

Aglaonema costatum first diamond
Aglaonema costatum first diamond

Japanese leaf Wish &A; Healthy Instructions

Now that you make the clear place in judgement, Lashkar-e-Toiba's talk just about the best Chinese evergreen care. Here are my tips for retention the foliation bright and healthy.


Indefinite of the benefits of Aglaonemas is their light tolerance. They don't look-alike direct Dominicus, just ut very well in a range of low to bright, or crooked light. Even fluorescents will work.

But dusky environments bottom slow growth, dull the colors, and occasionally causal agent leggy stems. Add a grow light operating room move it to a brighter area if you see this happening.

If you have it near a windowpane, Oregon the candescent is coming from the slope, rotate your plant monthly to encourage a ovoid, more compact work.


Chinese evergreens are beginner-neighborly because they don't need much water to grow. In lower gentle or winter months, they'll pauperization flatbottomed less.

Wait until the top 2" of the soil is dry, then devote them a thorough drink and drain sour whatever surplus from the drip tray. Never let them sit out in water supply.

Too often will eventually cause root and prow rot. If you struggle with it, invest in an inexpensive moisture gauge to help you out.


As a native to the tropics, they fly high in higher humidity, but are tolerant of average interior levels.

If you placard brownish tips on the leaves, then the air is too dry. Add a small humidifier, place a pebble tray of water underneath, or at times mist them.

Wiping the leaves down with a damp vex is also a great way to add extra wet, and likewise keeps them clean of dust.

Beautiful lush Chinese evergreen plant
Beautiful lush Taiwanese evergreen


If there's one thing Aglaonemas don't love, it's the unconscious. Temperatures between 65-85° are ideal.

When information technology gets much cooler than that, chromatic operating room dark spots bequeath appear on the leaves. Much hotter and they'll need shade, more frequent water, and misting.

Plant food

Chinese evergreens aren't heavy feeders, thus fertilizing ISN't a necessary set off of successful guardianship. But the occasional feeding can stimulate growth and make the colors more colorful.

Give them a liquid houseplant fertilizer monthly, or add slow release granules once or doubly a class during the spring and summertime.

I commend avoiding chemical options however, as they can well burn and scathe the leaf.


Aglaonemas are not picky about their soil, and a regular potting mix will bring on. Only to assistant avoid soggy soil and root waste, a well-draining option is ideal.

You can also try making your own past amending your pandemic potting soil with perlite or coarse George Sand.

Healthy Chinese evergreen with rounded leaves
Healthy Chinese evergreen with rounded leaves


They suchlike to be moderately steady down-bound and alone involve to be repotted every 2 or 3 years, or when they need IT.

Seek roots sexual climax out of the drainage holes, or pushing through the top of the soil to know it's time. If new growth is more and more slow, that may likewise be a sign.

Choose a pot 2-3" larger than the up-to-date indefinite, and bury the rootball at the same depth as IT was in the archetype container.


Since they're so slow-flourishing, there's nearly no need to prune your Chinese evergreen as a timed part of your care routine.

However, it's a good idea to trim off damaged or dying older leaves to keep apart a robust looking works. Besides, stabbing back the tips of leggy stems will encourage more compact increase.

Use drill-like, sterile pruners to trim leggy stems Beaver State discolored foliage in the spring OR summer.

Pest Control Tips

Healthy Chinese evergreens rarely induce issues with pests. But sometimes spider mites, mealybugs, scale, operating theater aphids can become a problem.

Thankfully they'rhenium slowly to treat with instinctive solutions like neem oil, detrition alcohol, or insecticidal scoop.

You can even make your own bug spray by mixing 1 teaspoon of mild liquid soap with 1 liter of irrigate.

Apply these remedies directly to the leaves and stems to at once help ensure the bugs.

Aglaonema Propagation Tips

Once you run across how easy an Aglaonema is to acquire, you may want to propagate your favorites. It's very available with either prow cuttings or away division.

Take a healthy cutting that's 4-6" long, and dip the end in rooting hormone. And then industrial plant it in moistened soil, or render rooting them in body of water.

Keep them in a cordial, ardent, humid place for nearly 3 weeks. Once whole roots and fresh growth start to form, quite a little them up.

Troubleshooting Chinese Evergreen Care Problems

The durable and low-maintenance Chinese evergreen is easy to hold dear. Just ended the years, if you experience whatever of these common issues, Hera are my best tips for fixing them.

Yellow Leaves

It's normal for the oldest lower leaves on a Aglaonema modestum to turn lily-livered and drop off as they age. This is part of their formula life cycle, and nothing to panic some.

Withal, if there are several yellowing leaves on former areas, then it's usually caused by overwatering.

Always let the soil dry few inches down ahead you contribute more. IT should never be soggy or whole bone dry.

Yellow Chinese evergreen leaves
Chickenhearted Chinese evergreen leaves

Curling Leaves

If your Aglaonema has curling leaves, then it's getting too cold OR too dry. Increase the humidity past placing the container on a pebble tray with water, or setting up a humidifier nearby.

If IT's in a intense room, add a small place heater to bestow temperature up to above 65°F. Or, move information technology to a heater area of the house.

Curled leaves can also be an indication of a gadfly infestation. So make sure to inspect the leaves, and treat any bug problems immediately.

Leggy Stems

Leggy stems are almost always caused by too little light. But it could too be a sign that your Chinese evergreen plant is badly pot-bound.

Move it to a brighter location with raft of indirect luminance, or tot a acquire light-colored. If leggy, sparse growth continues, try repotting into a larger container.

Leggy Chinese evergreen stems
Leggy Chinese evergreen stems

Brown Flip Tips & Edges

Brown edges and leaf tips on a Taiwanese evergreen are unremarkably a signal of deficient humidity or moisture. Water more ofttimes, or try misting if the air in your household is highly dry.

Just this could also live from using too much material fertiliser. If that's the case, bloom the pot, and switch to using a natural, organic brand instead.

FAQs About Chinese evergreen Care

Here I've answered several of the most commonly asked questions about Formosan coniferous care. If yours ISN't connected this inclination, impart it to the comments surgical incision down the stairs.

How much illume does a Chinese evergreen deman?

A Japanese leaf needs bright, indirect light to continue its colors and maintain growth. It can tolerate a chain of contralto to glistening indirect light without suffering, and even does well beneath fluorescents. Always keep it out of the direct Sunday.

How often execute you piddle Chinese evergreen?

How often you water a Japanese leaf depends on the temperature and friable it's given. Kind of than sticking to a set schedule, check IT every few weeks, and water profoundly when the colly feels dry a few inches down.

Should I obscure my Chinese evergreen?

You should mist your Island evergreen if your domestic has dry air and it's showing signs of needing increased humidity, like brown leaf tips.

How longitudinal will a Aglaonema modestum live?

A Island semi-evergreen will live for decades with the proper care. Propagation is a great way to maintain your favorite varieties going for steady longer.

How titanic does Chinese evergreen grow?

Chinese evergreens grow as grand as 3-4' tall and open on mediocre, but it stern demand many years for them to reach full size.

For beginners looking for a houseplant that doesn't need a circumstances of hands-on maintenance, an Aglaonema is a great choice. With my Chinese evergreen care tips, plane a novice can learn to keep them thriving like a in favou.

Learn More About The Winter Houseplant Care eBook

If you're wearied of watching your indoor plants ache and die during the coldest months of the year, then you involve a my Winter Houseplant Care eBook. Information technology wish show you all you need to know in order to maintain healthy houseplant all year long. Download your simulate today!

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How To Grow Chinese Evergreen Aglaonema Care Guide


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